tag libraries
Jaffa Tags
  • buttons
  • check box
  • date/time editbox
  • drop down
  • editbox
  • grid
  • image
  • label
  • lookup
  • radio button
  • table
  • text field
  • user grid
  • Layout Controls
  • folding section
  • Guards
  • component guard
  • function guard
  • Page Controls
  • header
  • form
  • footer
  • raise errors
  • Other Tags
  • html
  • logic
  • bean
  • util
  • template
  • digester
  • JSTL
  • Sun Site
  • Taglibs
  • reference
  • widgets/table
    <Portlet:Table . . . compatability

    A table is a widget that writes an HTML Table with col sorting and multi row select capabilities

    <Portlet:Table field="model1" align="center" detail="true" multiSelect="true">
       <Portlet:TableColumn column="Column1" title="String"/>
       <Portlet:TableColumn column="Column2" title="Integer"/>
       <Portlet:TableColumn column="Column3" title="DateOnly"/>
    General Attributes for TableTag
    Attribute Name Mandatory/Optional Description
    align Optional Alignment for table cells.
    selectcolor Optional The color for the selected row.
    rollovercolor Optional The color for the row rollover.
    noRecordsKey Optional This allows a token key to be specified with a custom no records message.
    detail Optional This flag is set to true if you wish to have an event assocaited to the doubleclicking of a row.
    field Mandatory This is the field name that will match the corresponding getter and setter on the Form Bean.
    multiSelect Optional If set to true this allows multiple rows to be selected at once.
    General Attributes for Table Column Tag
    Attribute Name Mandatory/Optional Description
    column Mandatory Logical name for the column
    title Optional Displayed title for column
    width Optional Specify the width to use. This is included using style="width: xxx"
    Event Name Description
    do_AlertsList_Clicked() This event is fired when selected set of rows are double clicked
    Table top


    A table is a widget that writes an HTML Table with col sorting and multi row select capabilities


    In Browser

    JSP Code

         <Portlet:Table field="model1" align="center" detail="true" multiSelect="true">
           <Portlet:TableColumn column="Column1" title="String"/>
           <Portlet:TableColumn column="Column2" title="Integer"/>
           <Portlet:TableColumn column="Column3" title="DateOnly"/>

    How they work

    Will create a complex HTML table , that is linked to various javascript JS files allowing sorting . To define columns , the TableColumnTag must be defined within the enclosing TableTag. Various attributes are available, the most notable is multiSelect=' '. Setting the multiSelect to true will enable the user to highlight multiple rows at once.


    Controlling the widget CSS top

    Controlling the look of a User Grid by CSS

    The Table widget's corresponding CSS can be found at 'source/html/jaffa/css/widgets/tablesort.css'. Look at the diagrams to identify areas within the tables governed by the CSS.

    index.html, Last Modified 28-Jun-2003 at 04:14:10pm