tag libraries
Jaffa Tags
  • buttons
  • check box
  • date/time editbox
  • drop down
  • editbox
  • grid
  • image
  • label
  • lookup
  • radio button
  • table
  • text field
  • user grid
  • Layout Controls
  • folding section
  • Guards
  • component guard
  • function guard
  • Page Controls
  • header
  • form
  • footer
  • raise errors
  • Other Tags
  • html
  • logic
  • bean
  • util
  • template
  • digester
  • JSTL
  • Sun Site
  • Taglibs
  • reference
  • widgets/buttons
    <Portlet:Button . . . compatability

    The button widget can be used for firing of a simple server side event when pressed. Jaffa supports a variety of button display from HTML Buttons, links, CSS buttons. Unlike the other MVC widgets in Jaffa, a button does not require a Model in the form bean.

    Links on this page...


    General Attributes
    Attribute Name Mandatory/Optional Description
    field Mandatory The name of the field / event that this button is tied to. The name of the event method in the Action class that will be invoked when the button is pressed will be ‘do_{field}_Clicked()’
    label Mandatory In the case of 'default', 'link' and sized type buttons the label is the text that is displayed on the screen. In the case of the image button, the label text is displayed as a floating hint when you hover over the image. The label string supports token substitution where tokens are specified in the format [token.key].
    type Optional This must be one of the following values ‘default’,’image’,’link’,’sized’. If no type is specified then if an image attribute is supplied it assumes the type is ‘image’, if no image attribute is specified then it assumes that type is ‘default’. See below for full expalnation of the different types
    submit Optional This flag indicates that this is the default button on the page that will be used to submit the form. This option impacts the CSS class name used so that you can give the submit buttons a different look In the case of the ‘default’ and ‘image’ button types, this flag will also make this button submit the page if the ‘Return’ key is pressed. This functionality is not yet available for the ‘link’ and ‘sized’ types.
    classExtn Optional This is an extra string that is added to the generated CSS class name. This allows for groups of buttons to extend the basic style, while still having the button size and submit properties remain as part of the name. (See the CSS section below for more details)
    classOverride Optional This allows a given CSS class name to be used. This overrides all class name attributes and passes the class name straight through to the HTML.
    fontname Optional Specify the font to use. This is included using style="font-family: xxx". This attribute is not relevant for ‘image’ type buttons.
    fontsize Optional specify the font size to use. This is included using style="font-size: xxx". This attribute is not relevant for ‘image’ type buttons.
    height Optional Specify the height to use. This is included using style="height: xxx"
    width Optional Specify the width to use. This is included using style="width: xxx"
    detail Optional (Default=true) This controls the behavior of the button, when ‘true’ it will cause a server side post to process the action, when ‘false’ it won’t. (Note: The plan is to provide a mechanism to run some client side JavaScript in the event that detail=’false’, but this has not been implemented yet, as there has been no demand for this).
    guarded Optional (Default=false) Show transition page when pressed, while the form is posting. (also see <Portlet:Form guardedHtmlLocation=’x’> for controlling the guard page to be used)
    confirm Optional If provided this string is used to confir with the user that they want this action to be executed. Useful for ‘Delete’ buttons where you want to ask "Are you sure you want to delete this record". The buttons on the dialogue box that is prompted are always "OK" and "Cancel". If "OK" is selected the action is processes as normal, "Cancel" will return to the form, aborting the action.
    preprocess Optional (Default = true) This is used for performance optimization such that any form pre-processing can be suppressed. The pre-processing is normally to evaluate any ‘lazy-widgets’ like Grids, UserGrids, etc. In the case of a ‘Cancel’ button on a form, there is no need to process any widget to post back, as the cancel event will quit the form anyhow. Use this with caution, and only on complex forms that post back large data sets where the button doesn’t need that data set posting back. Not posting back all data on a form, if you intent that form to re-render, may cause some widget values to be lost. If you intend to re-render the JSP, don’t suppress the pre-processing.
    target Optional This is the target window the resulting action should be directed to. If not provided it will default from the target attribute specified in the <Portet:Form target=’x’> attribute. If nothing is specified at the form level, it will target the current window (i.e. target=’_self’)
    text Optional Deprecated. Use type = 'link'
    rollover image    
    width factor    
    Event Name Description
    do_widget name_Clicked() This is an event fired when the button is clicked
    Standard HTML Button top


    These are standard HTML buttons. type=default. If no type is specified, the label is displayed on the button. The HTML tag <input type="button"> is used. It can also be used as a default button to submit the page.


    In Browser

    JSP Code

    <Portlet Button label="Clear"/>
    <Portlet Button type="default" label="Cancel"/>
    <Portlet Button type="default" label="Save" submit="true" />

    How they work

    A standard button normally uses the <input type="button"> HTML tag, unless the submit flag has been set,
    in which case it will use the <input type="submit"> HTML tag.

    Simple Image Button top


    These are standard HTML buttons. type=default. If no type is specified, the label is displayed on the button. The HTML tag <input type="button"> is used. It can also be used as a default button to submit the page.


    In Browser

    JSP Code

    <Portlet Button label="Clear" image="../imgs/clear.gif"/>
    <Portlet Button type="image" label="Cancel" image="../imgs/cancel.gif"/>

    How they work

    The "image" type button is different from a standard button in that an image is displayed instead of the label. The label text is displayed as a floating hint when the mouse hovers over the button. It can also be used as to submit the form similar to the Standard HTML button.

    Image Buttons with Alternate Rollover Image top


    These are standard HTML buttons where an image is displayed on the button. type=image. The difference between a Simple Image button and a Image button with Rollover Image is that the image on the button changes to the rollover image if specified.


    In Browser

    JSP Code

    <Portlet Button type="image" label="Save" image="../imgs/save_up.gif" rolloverImage="../imgs/save_down.gif"/>

    How they work

    The image specified with the rollover attribute is loaded on the button when the mouse is rolled over the button. As soon as the mouse is moved away from the button, the original image is loaded.

    Links top


    This type of button looks like a basic hyperlink, but rather than just working like a hyperlink with a href, it will cause the appropriate event handler to be fired in the Action class. If you need just a simple hyperlink in your form, just use a plain <a>link</a> in your JSP.


    In Browser

    JSP Code

    <Portlet Button type="link" label="Google"/>

    How they work

    In HTML this widget is modeled as HTML anchor (<a></a> ), but when pressed it set the ‘eventId’ to the ‘field=clicked’ and causes the form to be posted back to the server, such that the Action class can handle this event server side.

    CSS Controlled Buttons top


    If you are creating custom looking buttons, you have two choices, you can use the image button, and create two images (regular and rollover) for each button, and if these buttons use text, then for every different piece of text create two images. Or you can use this type of button, which uses the CSS to drop a background image behind the button, and layer the text over the top. This way you only need to develop a single blank button (regular and rollover states) and have the text come from the label. The advantage of this is that you can read the text of the label from a resource file, that may even be locale dependant.


    In Browser

    JSP Code

    <Portlet Button type="sized" label="log out"/>

    How they work

    One problem with the CSS providing the background image, is that it does not stretch to the size of the text being displayed. Due to this if you want to display long labels and short labels, it may be better to use different sized images underneath them. This widget by default does this by embedding the length of the label text into its CSS class name so that different CSS mappings can point to different label sizes.

    How CSS Classes for different buttons types work top

    Basic Names

    Standard button uses WidgetButton
    Image button uses WidgetButtonImage
    The link button uses WidgetButtonLink
    The CSS button uses WidgetButton(N)

    How they work

    In the case of the CSS button the (N) represents the size of the button based on the length of the label on the button. As with the CSS the image behind the text is fixed, for different lengths of text you may want to pull in different size images.

    By default the (N) is rounded up to the nearest 4 characters, so in the case of a label "Search" N=8, in the case of "Search Again" N=12 and so on.

    In addition to the above basic class name, any button that is flagged as ‘Submit’ will have the word "Submit" appended to the class name. All buttons support the attribute "classExtn" which stands for ‘CSS Class Extension’, which will be added to the end of the auto-generated class names.

    This allows set of buttons to be given an extension and therefore given a custom look via the CSS.


    Controlling the look of the button by CSS

    The button widgets corresponding CSS can be found in 'source/html/jaffa/css/widgets/button.css'. The button widget can have 5 different sizes , a.WidgetButton4 , a.WidgetButton8 , a.WidgetButton12, a.WidgetButton16, a.WidgetButton20. If you want to change the look of the button you must change it for all these sizes.

    index.html, Last Modified 28-Jun-2003 at 04:14:10pm