25-Mar-03 Web Site Updated
27-Feb-03 JAFFA Gets A New AcronymOriginally the word Jaffa (apart from being a costal city now merged with Tel-Aviv) was an acronym for 'Java Application Framework For Aerospace' (see why...). Since then many have asked why is this project specific to Aerospace? After several replies detailing that it was not, and that it could be used to build all sorts of enterprise applications for any vertical market, we decided that we should change the 'Aerospace' to something else. We have currently settled on 'All' (unless anyone has some better suggestions?) so that JAFFA is now 'Java Application Framework For All'. Another contender was a nice recursive GNU-like definition where JAFFA translates to 'JAFFA's A Framework For All', but we wanted to keep it simple.
Jaffa v1.2 Under DevelopmentWe are now coding the version 1.2 enhancements. These include...
Sample ApplicationWe have been promising ourselves the release of a sample application for Jaffa for quite some time. We have decided to take a 2 phase approach to this. First is to release a 'building block' project, that contains basic facilities that all applications will need. The second phase is to use this starting point to build some 'real/useful' applications. So we have started a new module under CVS called SampleApp (click to see this in CVS) which will be the base line for this.
Going Live on CVSWe are using the 'SampleApp' as our test for using sourceforge's CVS as our primary repository. Assuming things go well with that we will be moving the core development of the Jaffa project to sourceforge within the next few months.
New Widget User GuidesAs a starting point for a complete Jaffa User Guide, we have added some detailed documentation for the Jaffa Widgets. This now gives explanations of the widgets and all their attributes
Validation Rules EngineIn its infancy is a new Rules Engine that can be used to dynamically define additions rules for the validation and integrity of domain object data and data transfer objects. This probably will be available in a limited fashion in the next major release.
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